Tom Brutsaert’s 2nd post

Although it is not my intention to commandeer the blog with my own postings, an update seems in order.  At the moment, I am the probably the only person on the team who is awake (thank you jet lag), and who has leisure time, internet access, and the requisite cup of coffee to pull this off.  Both Burton’s land soon, and in 10 minutes I will head out the Kathmandu airport to pick up the elder (6:20 am), followed by Andrew at 8:40.  All SU students are in Abu Dhabi, the beneficiaries of a delay coming out of JFK airport.  I cant tell you how relieved I am that Etihad Airlines offered them all hotel vouchers and a meal, instead of the airport floor and scowl when they hit the ground.  Thank You Etihad!  I imagine them all to be asleep at the moment in a dessert paradise.  They will arrive in Kathmandu at 3:30 today, some 9 hours from now, perhaps better rested than if they had pushed through all the way yesterday.  The Canadian students arrived last night, and as reward they will be roused soon to begin scientific testing:  “Good morning, breathe into my machine, pee into this cup, and let me have a look at your veins.”  OK, I am off.  Let’s hope for some student posting later today from the courtyard of the hotel.

Namaste, Tom

One Reply to “Tom Brutsaert’s 2nd post”

  1. Well Tom, I’m officially regretting not quitting my job and joining the expedition! Beautiful photos and great student posts. I can see that they are really reflecting on the expeditions goals. Bravo to you and the team.

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