Closing Post, From Dr. Tom Brutsaert

If Dr. Rick Burton is hearing Neil Young in his head, then I am hearing a melancholy refrain from The Doors: “This is the end. My only friend, the end”. The lyric seems apropos given the number of helicopters that we saw in the last 3-weeks and the slightly empty feeling that I have as “the last man standing” in Kathmandu. Our wonderful students, collaborators, and faculty have dispersed, landing soon in Canada, Australia, New York, Sweden, Oregon, and perhaps (in the case of Anne), in Shangri-La. I am drinking coffee in the Kathmandu Guest House and waiting for my flight out tonight. I have learned to recognize the extraordinary when it emerges. This trip, thanks to all of the people involved, was extraordinary! It remains, only, to thank all supporters and readers of the blog. Thank you all for coming along. With some luck, we will do this again next year. Tom out.

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